Che cos'è un creatore di firme?

A signature maker, or online signature creator, is an online signature generator tool that allows you to draw online handwritten signature and save it to image format (PNG image with transparency). You can download it immediately and use your digital signature for signing PDF, Word documents, and add it to your email apps as an email signature.

Crea la tua firma digitale per firmare i documenti online

Simply use your mouse, mouse pad, digital pen, or touch screen to draw your signature on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Try to create a bigger signature than you normally would. It will make the digital signature cleaner and clearer. You’ll be able to resize it later to any desired size to fit documents, emails, social profiles, etc. Then download it as a PNG file with transparency using "Download Signature" button. If you decide to try professional calligraphy service use Artlogo and "Order My Artlogo" button.

Generatore gratuito di firme scritte a mano

So, I Can Just Type Out My Electronic Signature? That's right! Just type your name into our online handwritten signature generator, choose a pen color, and select the font that you feel best suits your personality and brand. Your electronic signature will then be ready to download and use. Our online handwritten signature generator can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or mobile device, so you can come up with your design on the go!

Firme realizzate da Artlogo, ispirate a te e alla tua azienda

Improve My Signature

Ispirazioni per la firma

Check out signatures of famous people and get inspired to create your signature. If you want, Artlogo professional calligraphers and designers can help you with that. Our professional team has more than 10+ years of experience in creating unique handwritten signatures. We do it every day for thousands of professionals like you. Additionally, we can provide materials that can teach you how to make your new signature easily.

JK Rowling

Angela Merkel

Marie Curie

Principe William

Oprah Winfrey

Narendra Modi

Ronald Reagan

Albert Einstein

Abramo Lincoln

Serena Williams

Bill Clinton

Tipo Firma

Come Artlogo crea la tua firma autografa

When you submit your order with details and/or your signature examples, our teams of calligraphers, designers and brand consultants start signature design process. Once the idea of your signature is ready, our top artists start creating it.

Ogni firma Artlogo è scritta a mano e unica al 100%.

La tua personalità si basa sui tratti distintivi che conosciamo.

La firma è molto di più di quello che si vede. Non si tratta solo di risolvere compiti funzionali come la firma di documenti o di e-mail. L'analisi della firma può dire molto su di voi e sulla vostra personalità. Qui mostreremo la scienza dell'analisi della firma, spiegandovi come potete analizzare la firma di qualcuno e/o utilizzare questi suggerimenti per crearne una nuova.

Lettere illeggibili

Intelligenza, agilità mentale

Facile da leggere

Trasparente, onesto

Nome chiaro, cognome illeggibile


Con sottolineatura

Orgoglioso, vanitoso

Termina con un guizzo

Energico, intraprendente

Angolo verso l'alto

Ambizioso, ottimista

Angolo verso il basso

Cauto, pessimista


Estroverso, amichevole

Solo un soprannome

Fiducia in se stessi

Solo le iniziali


Maiuscolo in grassetto


Nessun cognome

Rilassato, amichevole

Lettere grandi

Ama essere al centro dell'attenzione

Lettere impreziosite

Sicuro di sé, audace

Firma del disegno

Domande frequenti

A signature generator is a digital tool designed to help users create personalized electronic signatures. These signatures can be used to sign documents electronically, bypassing the need for paper-based signatures. The tool typically offers a variety of styles and fonts, allowing users to customize their signatures to suit their preferences. This technology ensures that signing processes are more efficient, secure, and legally binding in many jurisdictions, facilitating seamless transactions and document verifications in both personal and professional contexts.

Per proteggere la tua privacy, Artlogo non memorizza alcuna immagine o informazione sulla tua firma. Solo tu potrai accedere a questi dati.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the signing process by eliminating the need for physical paperwork.
  • Convenience: Allows users to sign documents from anywhere, using any device.
  • Speed: Accelerates document turnaround times, as signatures can be applied instantly.
  • Security: Often includes encryption and authentication features to protect document integrity.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces costs associated with printing, handling, and storing paper documents.
  • Legally binding: Provides legally compliant signatures in many jurisdictions, enhancing the enforceability of electronic documents.
  • Customization: Offers a variety of signature styles and fonts, allowing for personalized signatures.
  • Accessibility: Facilitates easier document signing for people with physical disabilities who may find it difficult to sign on paper.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to use a signature generator:

  1. Select a Signature Generator: Choose an online signature generator that meets your needs, ensuring it offers the required security and customization features.
  2. Enter Your Name: Type or draw your name into the generator. This is often used as the basis for generating signature styles.
  3. Choose a Style: Browse through the available signature styles the generator provides. These can range from cursive to more formal or artistic styles.
  4. Customize Your Signature: Adjust the size, color, and slant of your signature if the tool provides these options. Make sure it suits the formality and context of the documents you intend to sign.
  5. Preview Your Signature: View a preview of the signature to ensure it meets your expectations and looks professional.
  6. Download the Signature: Once satisfied, download the signature file. It might be available in various formats, such as PNG, JPG, or SVG.
  7. Use Your Signature: Incorporate your electronic signature into documents by uploading or dragging it into the document as needed. This can be done using document editing software or through a platform that supports electronic signatures.
  8. Save for Future Use: Optionally, save your signature in a secure location for future use to maintain consistency across your documents.

Yes, you can sign a wide range of documents using an e-signature made with a signature generator, including business contracts, sales agreements, lease documents, employee paperwork, and non-disclosure agreements. These electronic signatures are generally recognized as valid and legally binding for most personal and business transactions. However, some documents cannot be signed electronically, such as certain legal documents, including wills, codicils, trust documents, and other types of official court documents. Additionally, the acceptance of electronic signatures can vary by jurisdiction, so it's important to verify whether an e-signature is appropriate for the specific type of document and location in which you are using it.

Sì, è possibile utilizzare questo creatore di firme online per i documenti legali. Sia che disegni o o scriva la tua firma, sarai in grado di scaricarla come immagine, che potrà essere utilizzata per firmare i documenti in formato elettronico. La firma digitale è legalmente vincolante come la firma autografa.

Quando si tratta di creare una firma digitale autografa, esistono diversi metodi tra cui scegliere:

  • Utilizzando un Creatore di firme o un Generatore di firme. È l'opzione più semplice.
  • Usare una penna digitale per creare la firma utilizzando Photoshop, Illustrator o software simili. Sebbene sia possibile creare una firma di alta qualità in questo modo, questo metodo è di gran lunga il più difficile.
  • Scrivere la propria firma su un foglio di carta, quindi scansionarla e ritagliarla utilizzando questo strumento gratuito. In questo modo è possibile creare rapidamente una firma, ma è il metodo meno efficace di questo elenco.
  • Utilizzando il Generatore di firme scritte a mano di Artlogo. Con questo strumento facile da usare, è sufficiente digitare la firma e selezionare il carattere preferito.
  • Hiring Artlogo's professional signature logo design service. This is the best way of ensuring you have a high-quality, personalized signature that communicates your brand to the viewer.

After creating your e-signature with a signature generator, you can repurpose it for a variety of uses beyond just signing documents. You can add it to your email signature to give your electronic communications a more professional appearance, incorporate it into digital business cards, use it on your website for branding purposes, or include it in digital marketing materials. Additionally, keeping a saved file of your e-signature on your computer or cloud storage allows you to easily access and use it for signing future documents electronically, streamlining your workflow, and maintaining consistency in your professional interactions.

Ottieni un logo multifunzionale con firma autografa progettato da un calligrafo professionista

800+ Reviews on Trustpilot

Ogni persona firma un gran numero di documenti, invia migliaia di e-mail o è attiva sui social media durante la propria vita. La missione di Artlogo è creare la tua firma accattivante che renda te e il tuo nome unici e ti aiuti a distinguerti.

Cosa dicono i nostri clienti di Artlogo